Sudanese, INDEPENDENT, NON-FOR-PROFIT think-tank

Across the Globe, We Are Dedicated To Provide Quality Policy Services

Who We Are

An Effective and Influential Organization

The SFCEP is an independent, non-for-profit Sudanese ‘think-tank’ that aims to study the Sudan economy, review urban and rural planning opportunities and challenges, research, and then prepare and present policy papers and proposals based on the principles of best economic and planning practices.

The Centre will be a leading and respected voice of global professionals from both the private and public sector, who are willing to think outside the box to find effective and creative solutions that do not rely on ‘one size fits all’ philosophy, but rather are specifically tailored to fit the Sudanese environment. Identifying solutions will of necessity require clearly addressing the distortions, historical deterioration and failures that accompanied Sudanese economy and urban and rural planning processes in the past.

SFEP will strive to follow effective advocacy strategies aimed at advancing policy positions that may influence the political leaders and leverage the decision-making process. This will be accomplished through strong organizational leadership, and strengthened through strategic partnerships.

In view of the large and complex challenges that Sudan faces, the Centre will strive to provide accurate, reliable and extensive information, supplemented by scientific analysis while providing comprehensive recommendations for creating viable economic and planning policies issued by the Centre from time to time. The Centre hopes to serve the economy and planning and development in Sudan in its current and future stages of reconstruction. 

Our Approach

Today, we live in a fast-paced international economic and planning environment with interconnected complications and opportunities, which makes it challenging for countries in isolation from the international and regional communities to function effectively. It is the Centre’s intention to bridge the knowledge gap by identifying potential areas of economic and planning collaboration that may strengthen the newly born democratic transformation and stabilize the political uncertainty in Sudan.

As the world has become a small village, political and economic boundaries are no longer valid in curtailing great ideas. Therefore, the Centre intends to draw upon the Canadian experience in adopting economic best practices that have led to steady economic growth, regional collaboration and growth and healthy federal-provincial financial relations. The Centre also intends to draw upon the Canadian experience in urban/rural planning best practices that led to the creation of sustainable municipal growth and great communities across the country. Best planning practices that integrate planning ideas have become an apparatus for addressing engineering, environmental, social and health and safety challenges.

The Centre is on a mission to get to the bottom of the economic and planning challenges, and the critical issues in Sudan that had crippled the country for over six decades, and draw upon its experts who will analyze, question and challenge the economic and planning ‘status quo’ and hold candid conversation with policy makers and play a critical role in crafting viable solutions.

On this journey, you will learn more than ever about Sudan economic and planning policy frameworks and associated challenges and opportunities, and understand different ways and options for contributing to the Centre’s growth and success, through securing your membership, participating in seminars, workshops, conferences, live debates and conducting research papers.

The Centre is also a home and a source of real-time commentary on current and burning Sudanese economic and planning policy issues and topics from time to time, which would be commanded by some of the enlightened economists and planners, who may provide timely and professional commentaries on such issues on a regular basis.

The Centre operates to support and strengthen the recently born democratic transformation in Sudan, sustainable economic, planning and development initiatives. The Centre is fully aware of the current and historical challenges facing the country, thus providing reliable information and analysis, as well as proposing resolutions through the general economic policy papers issued periodically to serve the economy and the future reconstruction phases.

The Centre intends to develop relations with like-minded organizations in Canada and across the globe, including policy institutions, professional institutions, universities, non- for-profit organizations, etc.

As the world has become a small village, political and economic boundaries are no longer valid in curtailing great ideas. Therefore, the Centre intends to draw upon the Canadian experiences in adopting economic best practices that led to national steady economic growth, regional collaboration and growth, and the healthy federal-provinces financial relations. The Centre also intends to draw upon the Canadian great experiences in urban/rural planning best practices that led to the creation of sustainable municipal growth and great communities across the country. Best planning practices that integrated planning ideas that become an apparatus for addressing engineering, environmental, social, health and safety challenges.

As an effective and influential organization, the Centre will identify and actively engage in economic and planning dialogues that support environmental, social, and economic best practices. This will include focusing on creating policy frameworks that establish a foundation for improving the quality of life within different regions and communities through initiatives which support resilient and sustainable communities.

The Centre intends to explore critical issues in Sudan that have crippled the country for over six decades, and draw upon its experts to analyze, question and challenge the economic and planning ‘status quo’ and hold candid conversations with the policy makers and citizens who should play a critical role in crafting viable solution.

SFCEP is intended to help and strengthen the recently born democratic transformation in Sudan through sustainable planning and economic development. The Centre will provide reliable information and economic analysis, and propose resolutions through the general economic policy papers issued periodically to serve the Sudanese economy and the future reconstruction phases.

Guiding Principles

diamond, precious stone, gem


The Centre is politically independent and will not be affiliated with any political party. In all economic and planning debates the Centre will takes position that are aligned with its values and goals. As such, the Centre may sometimes choose partners that may be opposed to, or in conflict with, those in power.
The Centre will demonstrate a culture of transparency, accountability and ethical responsibility that shall accompany all of its activities.
Sustainable Development
The Centre truly believes that today’s economic and planning policy frameworks and decisions should be crafted so that the outcomes and implications would not curtail future generations from the ability to meet their own needs and achieve their aspirations.


The Centre aspires to build a model of free thinking in the fields of economics and planning and development. The objective is to provide policy platforms to support creation of advanced economic and planning policy frameworks and initiatives to support sustainable economic growth and sustainable planning and development in Sudan.

eye, optical, vision
bull's eye, aim, arrow


The Centre strives in all of its endeavors to demonstrate innovation and leadership in leading dialogues among professionals and crafting policy frameworks that are in the best interest of the greater good, while upholding the highest ethical standards in its operations, and maintaining intellectual integrity at the heart of its activities. The Centre believes that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the energy, drive, and the influence to make a positive change.

our general objectives


To initiate and lead broad dialogues with the participation of professional economists, professional urban and rural planners, governmental agencies, community organizations and regional and international institutions, on the role of economic and urban/rural planning policies in the development of prosperous economic growth and sustainable municipalities.


To examine and analyze the role of economic policies, urban/rural planning and development policies and wise municipal management in addressing the challenges faced by the Sudanese economy and municipalities.


To identify and highlight the importance of incorporating best economic and planning practices within the Sudanese economic and planning and development context. 


To evaluate and analyze government of Sudan’s economic and planning initiatives and policies which were implemented during the last seven decades and understand their influences in curtailing the Sudanese economy and municipalities from achieving great qualitative leaps.



To identify and leverage critical national economic programs/initiatives and policy frameworks, planning issues and policies and engage experts in various dialogues which may assist the Centre in developing public policy positions and alternatives



To identify and critique programs, initiatives and policies that might have failed in promoting resilient, inclusive, and diverse communities and provide alternative initiatives and policy frameworks. 




engage and work collaboratively with partners, other economic and planning organizations, academic institutions, professional associations, government agencies and policy makers for developing the best policy options for supporting the democratic transformation in Sudan, and to assist Sudan in its journey towards achieving stable, sustainable economic growth and successful municipalities.




highlight and pursue the execution of the proposed and related UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, through evaluating existing policy frameworks and suggesting and promoting alternative economic and planning policy frameworks that could facilitate the implementation and achievement of some and/or all of the proposed seventeen sustainable goals.


OUR Focused Activities

Centre's Policies

Our policies are our excellence.


Members and participants are expected to maintain professional conduct through their participation and contributions to the Centre.


The Centre does not adopt political partiality in favor of any specific political party or organization.


The Centre does not tolerate promotions of any political agenda within its activities.


Members must declare any conflict of interests before engaging in any activities or participate in any of the ad hoc committees.

Centre’s Awards

The Centre will be offering an award on an annual basis.

economist planner

The awards for best projects initiated, led and completed by a young university economist/young planner.